Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Daughters Birthday Party

Wow does time fly. We celebrated my oldest daughter’s birthday which is on January 5th and my youngest daughter’s birthday which is today December 23rd. As you can imagine she does not like her birthday being so close to Christmas because people usually combine her gifts lol. My youngest made it easy this year because she only wanted one thing, Pink Cowgirl boots and at made it very clear at 5 AM that it was her birthday and it was time to get her present. How could I say no… And for all you thinking she has me wrapped around her finger and thinking I gave in at 5:00 AM you’re wrong. I waited till 5:15 AM :( - I know – I know – She asked for them so cute. You look at how excited she was and you tell me if you would say no…

See it does not look so easy does it.... 

My oldest daughter got the digital picture frame she has been wanting for a long time. So about a week before the party I asked my wife who was invited to the party and she said it was a select few. Well those of you who know me should know that I do nothing small. So I invited every kid I could on short notice. I just got one thing to say… “WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS I THINKING?” How in the world could all those kids destroy so much and be so loud. I am surprised our kittens survived the evening and thanked the lord above that we have a housekeeper. However she has been off for a few weeks so guess who had to clean up…. HA HA HA guess again. The kids got to clean up the enormous mess that was made. I learned a valuable lesson this year. All birthday parties will now be held off site in a location that is suitable for a disaster lol.


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