Thursday, December 17, 2009

I am grateful for all that i have.

Today is a day of reflection and to celebrate the successes while being in gratitude for all that i have. Thank you for your friendship, support and love.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

On my way to recovery

I wanted to thank you for your support, prayers and let you know I have made it out of my Gastric Bypass Surgery. In the long run this is what is needed to help with my diabetic situation however my diabetes is sure putting up a strong fight to stick around and cause complications with recovery. Day by Day things will get better and I wanted to reach out and express my gratitude for all of your prayers, support and friendship. It has meant the world to me during this very challenging time. Sarah has been an amazing gift from the heavens to pull me through this and keep my spirits high. Send her your love and support to stay encouraged and know what an amazing angel god blessed us with when then sent her to this world.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Thank you all!

Wow I am amazed at the overwhelming amount of support from everyone. Many of you have asked now that I am no longer with PDC where am I headed? Well Randy & I have started a company called VIP Business and we are going to provide the new business license list to companies nationwide.  We are very excited and ready to get engaged in a new project. Check it out at . Thank you all for your comments, encouragements and understanding for the need for us to follow this dream. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Get 19,530 new twitter followers in 30 days?

Hey check this out... I just found this site that shows you a way of getting 1000's of new followers on twitter, I just started using it myself and its starting to work already. Thought it might interest you.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Prayer Request - Madison In Neuro Science ICU Trauma 1 Unit

Please send Love, Light and Prayers to Madison our daughter. She is hospitalized in the Neuro Science ICU Trauma 1 Unit. Her seizures have intensified to being uncontrollable, consentient, and medically unexplainable. The last few days have been very challenging because she is bored to death and hates all the wires hooked up to her head. She is a little trooper and a fighter however this ordeal is really taking the toll on her. So send your love and prayers. If you would like to see her call Sarah or Myself because she is unregistered at Primary Children’s Hospital due to creating a safe environment for her.  Sarah and I are here 24 hours a day with her so we will be unavailable until a surgical plan is worked out and we get released from the hospital. 

Here are some cute pictures of her hospital experience. 

Madison Playing Memory for the 200th time :)

Not the fun part - Pray for no power surge :)

Over 100 wires however Madison Thinks they are bows and a pony tail :)

Daddy has a head bandaid too and madison is kicking his tail at mario kart. 

Daddy & Maddie Craft Time: Daddy does not paint very well :(

The Trauma Unit Dog - Madisons New Best Friend

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Creed!

To laugh often & much; to win the respect of intelligent people & the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of the honest critics & endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you lived. 

This is to have succeeded!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Why advertise now? What Kind of fisherman are you?

I have been asked by many business owners, “Why advertise during a recession?” and “Why shouldn’t I reduce my advertising/marketing budget?” These executives perceive they will save money and ride out the storm. If we view these questions through the eyes of a business owner, we find that almost every company strives to win and retain their share of the market through creative and/or directional advertising methods. Let’s look at this as an analogy and think of market share as a lake full of fish. With all your competitors fishing from the same lake, you have “X” chance to catch your portion of fish. If you have 100 fishermen around the lake, your chances of catching fish are only increased by your skills as a fisherman, your tackle, location and luck. During a recession here is my perception of what may happen:
You have several types of fisherman who are seeking the fish:

Extravagant Anglers – These companies will fail during these economic challenges:

These companies have purchased the best equipment, advertising, locations, office equipment and have very little operating capital for their business. They love the idea of owning a business and calling themselves CEO’s, President, Chairman and Business Owners.
  • These companies have little to no planning, budgets, benchmarks or accountability for their companies.

These companies will fail during a recession and will leave more fish for the rest.

Entrepreneurial Anglers – These companies have a high probability of going out of business.

These fishermen have the passion for fishing however often lack the planning, capital or knowledge to successfully build or retain their businesses in these challenging economic times. Often these company owners will have the work ethic to operate through their shortfalls. These companies also have little to no planning, budgets, benchmarks or accountability for their companies.

These companies can operate during a recession however the majority will go out of business.

Beginning Anglers – Depending on the skill set, work ethic and planning results will vary.

  • These fishermen are the majority of the group. The results are significantly different depending on the company.
  • There are three types of companies that fall into this category:
  1. Company A: These companies have established a solid business plan, raised operating capital and have developed a solid marketing plan for their company.

  2. Company B: These companies have a good idea, however little to no budget to build their business. They keep their overhead low and stay afloat.

  3. Company C: These companies are still gaining experience and have been operating for a short time. They are cautious with decision making and adding additional financial strains on their business.
  • Many of these companies will ride through the recession and prevail on the other side. Some of these clients will close their doors because they are not big enough to sustain the decrease in revenue and a few will close their doors because it is just too hard to stay open.
Novice Anglers – Knowledgeable and experienced in fish gathering methods.
These fishermen understand the need for information during these economic times. They are gathering more facts and data to make informed decisions. They calculate their return on investment from each advertising source and base their budget on the results. These companies understand the need to continue their advertising presence so their customers are aware they are still in business.
These companies understand the need for effective budgeting. They have calculated what they need to do and have made corresponding decisions to effectively steer through the recession.

Experienced Anglers – Grab The Net!

These fishermen throw away the fishing pole and grab the net! These companies know that many of their competitors are closing their doors. They have a successful operating plan and sufficient knowledge to jump on opportunities that arise. They have tracking systems in place to monitor effective advertising solutions and have now increased their marketing presence in both Creative & Directional advertising arenas to capture the fish their competitors are losing as their boats sink.
  • These companies are the industry leaders and will dominate through a recession. They believe the recession is a blessing and will emerge even more success than they were when the recession started.

Now is the time to throw away your fishing pole and Grab Your NET! The market share your competitors are leaving behind is yours for the taking as long as you effectively utilize your marketing strategies and budgets. I believe we all concur that during this recession many companies will close their doors and a large number of companies will choose to wait to begin new projects. This is already evident with the significant decrease in new business license requests which is occurring nationwide. Take time to educate yourself and capitalize on the advertising media that is providing the maximum return on your investment. You may also wish to meet with an advertising consultant who can help you create an effective plan for netting the big haul!

Good Luck and Happy Fishing!
~Author J.J. Ulrich~
Executive Business Consultant

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Vision Board Success - The FREE Cruise - Day 1

As many of you know I keep a vision board. For those of you who don't know what a vision board is let me explain. My vision board is a place where I put pictures of the things I want to manifest or dream about in my life. It is believed by many that when you get clear on what you want to manifest the universe has a way of making it show up. It always amazes me how things show up because you would never anticipate or expect how things manifest in your life.

In January when I was reworking my personal vision board for 2009 I wanted to create a free cruise this year. I wanted it to be on the best ship and include all expenses including airfare, taxes, fees, excursions, tips, food well to say the least everything. I had no idea how it would show up and wrote down no expectations for the universe to manifest this for me. In mid January 2009 my best friend called me and said he and his wife got offered a cruise and wanted to see if I was interested in going with them. Well I started laughing because I would have never expected this. After getting the details I would still have to pay for the airfare and the taxes, port fees and all of the other fees. So I declined the invitation knowing it was the universe teasing me and seeing if I was committed.

On Wednesday February 4, 2009 I received a call from an associate who just had two cabins open up on his company cruise. Airfare, Fees, Tips, Hotel Accommodations, Excursions, every expense I had listed was covered. The ship was the Liberty Of The Seas which is Royal Caribbean’s Flagship. There was only one problem. Sarah and I had to be in Miami Florida in 48 hours lol. Well I called my mom and she could watch my daughter, Sarah called her brother who could watch our animals, and I asked my boss and he said go have fun. Everything worked out and on Friday Morning we were sitting on an airplane heading to Florida.

Now when I look back at how everything came together I just have to laugh. Because the universe has a funny personality and will always test to make sure you really want something.

So here is our cruse:

Day 1: The Everglade Tour

Before we boarded the ship the group we were with went on an Air Boat tour of the Everglades. This was a lot of fun. Even though I offered a good sum of money they would not let me drive one of those great Air Boats. One day that is going on my vision board LOL. We had the opportunity to hold an alligator and eat some alligator bits. (No not the same one) This was a great time while we waited to board the ship.

Day 1: Boarding The Ship

This ship is HUGE. It holds over 4500 people and is truly a modern marvel. It has everything from rock climbing walls, tennis courts, swimming pools, ice skating rinks, the flowrider, golf course, well if you can think of it in a small city it is probably on this boat.

Sunset from the bow of the ship:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Tips for creating a better life

I think this is a great list to live by. 
  1. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day. And while you walk, smile.
  2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
  3. Stand for something
  4. Live in integrity and always be a humble servant to others. 
  5. Always come from heart.
  6. Sleep for 7 hours.
  7. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
  8. Play more games.
  9. Read more books than you did the previous year.
  10. Make time to practice meditation, yoga, and prayer. They provide us with daily fuel for our busy lives.
  11. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
  12. Dream more while you are awake.
  13. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
  14. Drink plenty of water.
  15. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
  16. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
  17. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
  18. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
  19. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
  20. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
  21. Smile and laugh more.
  22. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
  23. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
  24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
  25. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
  26. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about. Don't compare your partner with others.
  27. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
  28. Forgive everyone for everything.
  29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
  30. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
  31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
  32. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
  33. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
  34. The best is yet to come.
  35. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
  36. Do the right thing!
  37. Call your family often.
  38. Your inner most is always happy. So be happy.
  39. Each day give something good to others.
  40. Don't over do. Keep your limits.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Grand Opening Of The First Dream Makers Training Center

After 32 years of seminars, retreats and trainings, Gary Acevedo & Dream Makers Academy, Inc announces the company’s first Dream Makers Training Center! Located in the heart of Salt Lake City, the purpose of this new training center is to empower, heal, awaken, enlighten and ignite people’s personal power! Using breakthrough empowerment technologies, to enable and ennoble all people, we aim to awaken in people the passion, commitment and potential to master their lives, create their dreams, and lead others. It is our joy to influence the influential; offering the greatest tools available to affect and transform lives. Providing an arena that develops mastery in facilitators, coaches, healers, leaders, sales professionals, speakers and people of influence, our training center will spark the best in people allowing them to surpass limitations of past achievements.

Here is our new home: 

Here is the amazing man who completed the buildout of our training center: 

Here are a few pictures of the buildout journey: 

Course Room - After Wall Demo.

Joining of the two offices: 

The Future Of The Reception Desk: 

The New Reception Desk: 

The amazing tile job Gary Pincus did for us. 

The wood work counter tops and shelfing. 

It’s New Years Now What?

Every New Year always creates the space in me for gratitude, reflection, and planning. Years ago I started an annual tradition for myself and use it to this day. The last week of each year I reflect back and review what worked, what I could have done better, and to whom I am grateful for. After this process I sit in the space of my dreams and higher self to see what is the best I could imagine for the coming year and how I intend on opening the space for your universe to make it happen.

I believe so strongly in this tradition I felt the calling to share it. There is a powerful energy when you take a moment to write things down and send a message to the universe saying exactly what you are looking for. I have a funny story that always shows up for me when speaking about being specific when setting your goals and identifying your dreams.  Years ago I remember setting the intention/goal to have a Brand New Yellow Hummer show up in my space. I was not very specific other than my request and placing a picture on my vision board. Well to say the least I learned two very valuable lessons.

  • Lesson #1:  The Universe has a great sense of humor.
  •  Lesson #2:  The Universe gives you exactly what you ask for. So yes I did receive a brand new beautiful Yellow Hummer from my girlfriend. You are probably thinking what an amazing gift from someone. I would agree 100% however instead of keys it came with a 4 channel remote control and 1/100 the size of a real one. The new skill I got to work on was how I can be specific when setting my goals, intentions and dreams.

After learning these valuable lessons I learned a lot more about setting goals. I use a system often referred to as the SMART system. S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym for goal setting that helps you get clear on your goal and more importantly accomplish them.

·         S = Specific

·         M = Measurable

·         A = Attainable, Agreed Upon

·         R = Realistic, Reasonable

·         T = Time-based, Tangible

If you have not done so already take a moment and do the following. If it works for you implement the SMART way to send your messages to the Universe. Don’t end up getting the remote control go for the real dealJ.

·         Get grounded and centered in a quiet place.

·         Reflect on 2008 from this place and write down the answers to the following questions.

o   Who are at least 5 people you’re grateful for and why?

o   What are at least 5 things you’re grateful for and why?

o   What are at least 5 successes you have had this year and what was successful about it?

o   What are at least 5 lessons you have learned this year?

o   What are at least 5 new skills you have been working on this year?

o   Who are at least 5 people you can become closer to this year?

o   Identify at least 3 spiritual goals for 2009?

o   Identify at least 3 physical goals for 2009?

o   Identify at least 3 emotional goals for 2009?

o   Identify at least 3 financial goals for 2009?

o   Identify at least 3 behaviors you are committed to shifting in 2009?

Once you have identified this information. Write down an action plan to achieving your goals. If you’re unclear on how you can achieve your goals try this. Act as if your goal is achieved and work backwards from your goal to the action steps you did to complete the task. Another really good tool has to-do with one of my favorite quotes. “Always allow the opportunity for the Universe to show off ~J.J. Ulrich~” Set your intention/goal and always be in the space of it already being achieved. The Universe will fill the space with your goal/intention.

I am always amazed of how many people know that writing your goals down significantly increases the opportunity to achieve them. However only 3 in 100 people actually write down their goals and follow through with their plan.

Utilize 2009 to make your dreams happen. Write down your intentions/goals down and surround yourself with the support to create them. I am off to create my dreams for 2009.

Dream Maker…