Sunday, January 4, 2009

It’s New Years Now What?

Every New Year always creates the space in me for gratitude, reflection, and planning. Years ago I started an annual tradition for myself and use it to this day. The last week of each year I reflect back and review what worked, what I could have done better, and to whom I am grateful for. After this process I sit in the space of my dreams and higher self to see what is the best I could imagine for the coming year and how I intend on opening the space for your universe to make it happen.

I believe so strongly in this tradition I felt the calling to share it. There is a powerful energy when you take a moment to write things down and send a message to the universe saying exactly what you are looking for. I have a funny story that always shows up for me when speaking about being specific when setting your goals and identifying your dreams.  Years ago I remember setting the intention/goal to have a Brand New Yellow Hummer show up in my space. I was not very specific other than my request and placing a picture on my vision board. Well to say the least I learned two very valuable lessons.

  • Lesson #1:  The Universe has a great sense of humor.
  •  Lesson #2:  The Universe gives you exactly what you ask for. So yes I did receive a brand new beautiful Yellow Hummer from my girlfriend. You are probably thinking what an amazing gift from someone. I would agree 100% however instead of keys it came with a 4 channel remote control and 1/100 the size of a real one. The new skill I got to work on was how I can be specific when setting my goals, intentions and dreams.

After learning these valuable lessons I learned a lot more about setting goals. I use a system often referred to as the SMART system. S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym for goal setting that helps you get clear on your goal and more importantly accomplish them.

·         S = Specific

·         M = Measurable

·         A = Attainable, Agreed Upon

·         R = Realistic, Reasonable

·         T = Time-based, Tangible

If you have not done so already take a moment and do the following. If it works for you implement the SMART way to send your messages to the Universe. Don’t end up getting the remote control go for the real dealJ.

·         Get grounded and centered in a quiet place.

·         Reflect on 2008 from this place and write down the answers to the following questions.

o   Who are at least 5 people you’re grateful for and why?

o   What are at least 5 things you’re grateful for and why?

o   What are at least 5 successes you have had this year and what was successful about it?

o   What are at least 5 lessons you have learned this year?

o   What are at least 5 new skills you have been working on this year?

o   Who are at least 5 people you can become closer to this year?

o   Identify at least 3 spiritual goals for 2009?

o   Identify at least 3 physical goals for 2009?

o   Identify at least 3 emotional goals for 2009?

o   Identify at least 3 financial goals for 2009?

o   Identify at least 3 behaviors you are committed to shifting in 2009?

Once you have identified this information. Write down an action plan to achieving your goals. If you’re unclear on how you can achieve your goals try this. Act as if your goal is achieved and work backwards from your goal to the action steps you did to complete the task. Another really good tool has to-do with one of my favorite quotes. “Always allow the opportunity for the Universe to show off ~J.J. Ulrich~” Set your intention/goal and always be in the space of it already being achieved. The Universe will fill the space with your goal/intention.

I am always amazed of how many people know that writing your goals down significantly increases the opportunity to achieve them. However only 3 in 100 people actually write down their goals and follow through with their plan.

Utilize 2009 to make your dreams happen. Write down your intentions/goals down and surround yourself with the support to create them. I am off to create my dreams for 2009.

Dream Maker…

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